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Building a Polymer Static Site Generator

3 min read

Note that no longer uses polymer for generating the static site. The reason for this is that dynamically generated sites do not fare well with search engines. Otherwise I would say that using polymer for "on the fly" page generation worked quite well. Page load speeds were fast with the help of cloudflare and using the PRPL pattern. Full source code is available on Gitlab and the website is viewable at

There are many static site generation frameworks out there such as Jekyll and Hugo. Previously my site was written using Jekyll but I often ran into limitations using the framework. I have also tried using Hugo by helping a friend Alex set up a personal website. I have created a compiling free static site generator that doesn't even deserve to be called a framework. This is because the 60 line python script with no dependencies is used to create a robots.txt, sitemap.xml, and index the blog. That's it! The rest of the heavy lifting is done with Polymer and a few custom elements that run on the website. All site content is written in markdown just like traditional static site generators but is instantly viewable. Feel free to view the code.

I love Polymer. I have already created two websites material toolkit, University of Tennessee EggDrop using Polymer and wanted to finally use it to make my own personal site. This requirement alone restricted using traditional static site generators since they were not designed for single page app where each view does not necessarily correspond to an html file.

Additionally I wanted to go one step futher and try to re-imagine what a static site could look like when using web components. For instance, I have <code-highlight>, <markdown-it>, <google-analytics> and <math-tex> elements. These elements alone provide features that are often hard to get working with a blog. Since all pages are markdown files rendered with the custom element <markdown-it>, I have support for code and math throughout the entire site. Also no compiling is necessary to view the markdown files on the website!

Adding a page to the website is as simple as adding a markdown file to the page/ directory and adding the page to <app-route>. For example, if you wanted a new page about with route you would create pages/ and modify src/my-app.html as such.

<iron-pages selected="[[selectedPage]]"
         <div name="about" class="container">
         <markdown-it src="/pages/"></markdown-it>
     <!-- additional routes -->

Making blog posts easy was the main goal of this framework. Each blog post is a markdown file placed in the blog/ directory with some additional json front matter. A detailed description on json front matter can be found on the Hugo front matter documentation. An example of the front matter is shown bellow. The resulting blog post url is<filename>.

    "title": "Hello World Example",
    "author": "Chris Ostrouchov",
    "date": "2016-12-04",
    "image": "/images/blog/paul-gilmore.jpg",
    "tags": ["test", "hello world"]

To summarize I hope I've shown a neat way of simplifying static site generators by not requiring them to generate the html pages themselves. In theory any language could be used to create the robots.txt, sitemap.xml and index the blog to an index.json file. This is my first blog post but am hoping to do many more!