lammps package


lammps.core module

LAMMPS Python interface (the GOOD parts)

This interface is inspired by HOOMD and tries its best to look similar. I try to include only orthogonal functions (e.g. make there only be ONE way to do something).

class lammps.core.Atom

Bases: object

Represents a single atom in the LAMMPS simulation

Since LAMMPS is a distributed system each atom is unique among all the processors.

lammps : lammps.core.Lammps
Lammps object
tag : int
tag id number of particle
lindex : int
lindex: the local index of the atom

Charge of local atom


Force on local atom


Position of local Atom


Unique tag of atom within LAMMPS simulation


AtomType of local Atom


Velocity of local atom

class lammps.core.AtomType

Bases: object

Represents an atom type (denoted by int) in LAMMPS

Provides a wrapper over atom types that is more user friendly

lammps : lammps.Lammps
Lammps object
index : int
the index of the atom

Index of atom type


Mass of the AtomType

class lammps.core.Box

Bases: object

Represents the shape of the simulation cell

lammps : lammps.core.Lammps

Calculates lengths from lammps box. See lengths_angles()


LAMMPS box description of boxhi and boxlo bounds

Additional documentation can be found at lammps. For example return numpy array would be
lohi = np.array([
    [0.0, 10.0],
    [0.0, 10.0],
    [0.0, 10.0],

The dimension of the lammps run either 2D or 3D

from_lattice_const(self, atom_types, lengths, angles=None, origin=(0, 0, 0), region_id='lammps-box')

Create Unit cell (can only be run once)

atom_types : int
number of atom types for simulation (I know weird place to require)
lengths : vector
lengths length 3 (a, b, c) lattice constants
angles : vector
angles length 3 (alpha, beta, gamma) lattice constants default (pi/2, pi/2, pi/2)
region_id : str
name of region for lammps simulation. default ‘lammps-box’
rotation_matrix, origin: tuple
necissary matricies to be used with transform_cartesian_vector_to_lammps_vector to transform all atom positions, velocities appropriately. If unit cell is orthogonal then you may only need to apply the origin shift.

Essentially runs: region region-id prism xlo xhi ylo yhi zlo zhi xy xz yz create_box N region-ID keyword value …


Calculates lengths from lammps box. See lengths_angles()


Calculates the lengths and angles from lammps box

Additional documentation can be found at lammps. See implementation lammps_box_to_lattice_const().


LAMMPS box description of xy xz yz

Additional documentation can be found at lammps. For example a return dictionary would be
tilts = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
update_lattice_const(self, lengths, angles=None, origin=(0, 0, 0))

Update Unit cell

lengths : vector
lengths length 3 (a, b, c) lattice constants
angles : vector
angles length 3 (alpha, beta, gamma) lattice constants default (pi/2, pi/2, pi/2)

Does not adjust the atom coordinates. However it does set the global box, set processor grid, and set local box correctly.


This does not update the atom coordinates. This means that they can easily be lost!

rotation_matrix, origin: tuple
necissary matricies to be used with transform_cartesian_vector_to_lammps_vector to transform all atom positions, velocities appropriately. If unit cell is orthogonal then you may only need to apply the origin shift.

Volume of box given in lammps units

class lammps.core.Compute

Bases: object

Extract compute object property from LAMMPS system

See compute for more information on available computes. This is how properties of systems can be exctracted without I/O. See list of available computes <>

lammps : lammps.Lammps
Lammps object
id : str
name id for lammps compute must be unique
style : str
compute style to use see LAMMPS documentation Compute styles
group : str
group to apply compute on. default “all” must create group if using other group. See group command if creating own group
args : list[str]
list of additional arguments to supply.
modify(self, args)

Modify a predefined LAMMPS compute

args : list[str]
args to modify lammps compute

See compute_modify for more information on args etc.


Name of compute id


Scalar value of compute

scalar value of compute
no scalar function for this compute defined

style of compute id


vector value of compute

vector value of compute
no vector function for this compute defined
class lammps.core.Lammps

Bases: object

LAMMPS base class represents the entire library.

units : str
units to use for simulation default lj
style : str
atomic style to use for simulation. default atomic
comm : mpi4py.Comm
default value is MPI_COMM_WORLD
args : list[str]
command line args that would be supplied to normal lammps executable
Possible values for the following arguments:
AVAILABLE_UNITS = {'cgs', 'electron', 'lj', 'metal', 'micro', 'nano', 'real', 'si'}

box: lammps.core.Box


Check for error from lammps

command(self, str cmd)

Run a LAMMPS command

command : str
command for lammps to execute
output from running command

See lammps documentation for available commands.


Timestep size for run step in simulation time units

file(self, str filename)

Read in a file as sequential list of commands

filename : str
filename of input file for LAMMPS

Can be invoked more than once


Resets (clear) the lammps simulation

Deletes all atoms, restores all settings to their default values, and frees all memory allocated by LAMMPS. Equivalent to the LAMMPS clear command. Some settings are not affected. These include: working directory, log file status, echo status, and input script variables.

run(self, long steps, bool pre=True, bool post=True)

Runs the lammps simulation for N steps

steps : int
number of steps to run simulation equivalent to “run <steps>” command
pre : bool
before run create neighbor lists, compute forces, and imposes fix contraints. default True
post : bool
print full timing summary

See lammps documentation for description of run command


system: lammps.core.System


thermo: lammps.core.Thermo


total time that has elapsed from lammps runs time units


current number of timesteps that have been run


Unit style used in lammps simulation

See units for more information.

exception lammps.core.LammpsAbortError

Bases: lammps.core.LammpsError

class lammps.core.LammpsDataTypes

Bases: object


alias of numpy.int64


alias of numpy.float64


alias of numpy.int32


alias of numpy.int32


alias of numpy.int32


alias of numpy.int32

exception lammps.core.LammpsError

Bases: Exception

exception lammps.core.LammpsNormalError

Bases: lammps.core.LammpsError

class lammps.core.System

Bases: object

Represents all the atoms and respective properties in the LAMMPS simulation

Since LAMMPS is a distributed system each processor has a local view of its Atoms. This class hopes to provide both and local and global view of the properties.

lammps : lammps.core.Lammps
style : str
one the atom_styles
ATOM_STYLE_PROPERTIES = {'angmom': (<class 'numpy.float64'>, 3), 'contact_radius': (<class 'numpy.float64'>, 1), 'cs': (<class 'numpy.float64'>, 1), 'csforce': (<class 'numpy.float64'>, 1), 'cv': (<class 'numpy.float64'>, 1), 'damage': (<class 'numpy.float64'>, 1), 'de': (<class 'numpy.float64'>, 1), 'dpdTheta': (<class 'numpy.float64'>, 1), 'drho': (<class 'numpy.float64'>, 1), 'e': (<class 'numpy.float64'>, 1), 'edpd_temp': (<class 'numpy.float64'>, 1), 'eff_plastic_strain': (<class 'numpy.float64'>, 1), 'eff_plastic_strain_rate': (<class 'numpy.float64'>, 1), 'ellipsoid': (<class 'numpy.float64'>, 1), 'eradius': (<class 'numpy.float64'>, 1), 'erforce': (<class 'numpy.float64'>, 1), 'ervel': (<class 'numpy.float64'>, 1), 'ervelforce': (<class 'numpy.float64'>, 1), 'etag': <class 'numpy.int32'>, 'f': (<class 'numpy.float64'>, 3), 'id': (<class 'numpy.int32'>, 1), 'image': (<class 'numpy.int32'>, 1), 'line': (<class 'numpy.float64'>, 1), 'mask': (<class 'numpy.int32'>, 1), 'mass': (<class 'numpy.float64'>, 1), 'molecule': (<class 'numpy.int32'>, 1), 'mu': (<class 'numpy.float64'>, 3), 'omega': (<class 'numpy.float64'>, 3), 'q': (<class 'numpy.float64'>, 1), 'radius': (<class 'numpy.float64'>, 1), 'rho': (<class 'numpy.float64'>, 1), 'rmass': (<class 'numpy.float64'>, 1), 's0': (<class 'numpy.float64'>, 1), 'smd_data_9': (<class 'numpy.float64'>, 3), 'smd_stress': (<class 'numpy.float64'>, 3), 'spin': (<class 'numpy.int32'>, 1), 'torque': (<class 'numpy.float64'>, 3), 'tri': (<class 'numpy.float64'>, 1), 'type': (<class 'numpy.int32'>, 1), 'v': (<class 'numpy.float64'>, 3), 'vest': (<class 'numpy.float64'>, 3), 'vforce': (<class 'numpy.float64'>, 1), 'vfrac': (<class 'numpy.float64'>, 3), 'x': (<class 'numpy.float64'>, 3), 'x0': (<class 'numpy.float64'>, 3)}
AVAILABLE_ATOM_STYLES = ['angle', 'atomic', 'body', 'bond', 'chargedipole', 'electron', 'ellipsoid', 'full', 'line', 'meso', 'molecular', 'peri', 'smd', 'sphere', 'template', 'tri', 'wavepacket']
add_ase_structure(self, structure, elements=None)

Initialize lammps system from ase Atoms (sets lattice, positions, velocities)

structure: pymatgen.core.structure.Structure
pymatgen structure where lattice, atom positions, and if velocities are present they will be set.
elements: list of tuple representing the symbol, mass
list of tuples that determine the index of each atom type. If not specified it is determined from structure
elements: list of pymatgen.core.Atom
list of elements that specifies the repective index of each element assigned by lammps.
add_pymatgen_structure(self, structure, elements=None)

Initialize lammps system from pymatgen structure (sets lattice, positions, velocities)

structure: pymatgen.core.structure.Structure
pymatgen structure where lattice, atom positions, and if velocities are present they will be set.
elements: list of pymatgen.core.Species
list of pymatgen.core.Species that determine the index of each atom type. If not specified it is determined from structure
elements: list of pymatgen.core.Species
list of elements that specifies the repective index of each element assigned by lammps.

AtomTypes in lammps system return list of AtomTypes


Charges associated with global atoms sorted by tag id

create_atoms(self, int[:] atom_types, double[:, :] positions, double[:, :] velocities=None, start_index=None, bool wrap_atoms=True)

Create atoms for LAMMPS calculation.

If atoms already exist on the system you will need to change the atom “start_id_index” to greater than the max value.

atom_types : list[int], np.array[int]
vector of atom types
positions : np.array[Nx3]
array of atom positions
velocities : np.array[Nx3]
array of atom velocities. default set all velocities to 0
start_index : int
index to start atom ids

Forces associated with global atoms sorted by atom tag id

global_gather_property_ordered(self, str name)

Gather globally system property to single processor. Sorted by atom id.

Available properties are in :var:`System.ATOM_STYLE_PROPERTIES`

name : str
atom property name to gather
global_gather_property_subset(self, str name, int[:] atom_ids)

Gather subset of atom properties in the system.

Available properties are in :var:`System.ATOM_STYLE_PROPERTIES`

name : str
atom property name to gather
atom_ids : list[int], np.ndarray
atom ids to get properties from
global_gather_property_unordered(self, str name)

Gather globally system property to single processor. Data is not sorted.

You can gather atom id beforehand to get order of atoms.

Available properties are in :var:`System.ATOM_STYLE_PROPERTIES`

name : str
atom property name to gather
global_scatter_property_ordered(self, str name, data)

Scatter globally system property to all processors. Sorted by atom id.

Available properties are in :var:`System.ATOM_STYLE_PROPERTIES`

I HIGHLY recommend to not set atom positions with this method. It will result in lost atoms instead use create_atoms if not used properly -

global_scatter_property_subset(self, str name, int[:] atom_ids, data)

Scatter globally system property for subset of atoms to all processors.

Available properties are in :var:`System.ATOM_STYLE_PROPERTIES`

I HIGHLY recommend to not set atom positions with this method. It will result in lost atoms instead use create_atoms if not used properly -


Local number of atoms stored on processor

An important concept in LAMMPS parallal calculations is that the atoms are distributed between all the processors.


Positions associated with global atoms sorted by atom tag id


Reseting the atom positions is dangerous since it remaps the atoms to processors. I HIGHLY recommend create_atoms instead.

snapshot(self, elements, atom_properties=None, format='pymatgen')

Get python structure representation of LAMMPS simulation (pymatgen only for now)

Assumes origin at (0, 0, 0)!

elements: list of elements
ordered list of elements associated with lammps atom id
atom_properties: set
set of ATOM_STYLE_PROPERTIES that you want included with structure
format: str
for now only “pymatgen” structure and “hoomd” gsd snapshot format is supported
snapshot: pmg.Structure or gsd.hoomd.Snapshot
pymatgen structure

The LAMMPS atom_style used in simulation


Tags associated with local atoms stored on processor


Total number of atoms in LAMMPS simulation


Atom type ids associated with global atoms


Velocities associated with global atoms sorted by atom tag id

class lammps.core.Thermo

Bases: object

Computes thermodynamic properties of a group of particles

You must first define a compute before you can extract thermodynamics properties of the current time step. Three computes are always created, named “thermo_temp”, “thermo_press”, and “thermo_pe” these are initialized in the output.cpp in LAMMPS. These computes are made easy to access. All computes can be accessed via the comptutes dictionary.

lammps : Lammps
lammps object
add(self, str id, str style, str group='all', args=None)

Add a compute to LAMMPS

id : str
name of new LAMMPS compute must be unique
style : str
name of compute to add
group : str
name of compute group. default ‘all’.
args : list[str]
additional args to supply to compute

Equivalent lammps command: compute ID group-ID style args

See compute for more information on creating computes.


Dictionary of available computes


potential_energy: lammps.core.Compute


pressure: lammps.core.Compute


temperature: lammps.core.Compute

lammps.core.abs_cap(val, max_abs_val=1)

Returns the value with its absolute value capped at max_abs_val. Particularly useful in passing values to trignometric functions where numerical errors may result in an argument > 1 being passed in.

val (float): Input value. max_abs_val (float): The maximum absolute value for val. Defaults to 1.
val if abs(val) < 1 else sign of val * max_abs_val.
lammps.core.lammps_box_to_lattice_const(bounds, tilts)

Converts lammps box coordinates to lattice constants and origin

\[a &= lx \ b &= \sqrt{ly^2 + xy^2} \ c &= \sqrt{lz^2 + xz^2 + yz^2} \ \cos{lpha} &= \]
rac{xy xz + ly yz}{b c}
cos{eta} &=
cos{gamma} &=


lammps.core.lattice_const_to_lammps_box(lengths, angles, origin=(0, 0, 0))

Converts lattice constants to lammps box coorinates(angles in radians)

\[lx &= boxhi[0] - boxlo[0] = a \ ly &= boxhi[1] - boxlo[1] = \sqrt{b^2 - xy^2} \ lz &= boxhi[2] - boxlo[2] = \sqrt{c^2 - xz^2 - yz^2} xy &= b \cos{\gamma} \ xz &= c \cos{eta} \ yz &= \]

rac{b c cos{lpha} - xy xz}{ly}

lammps.core.lengths_angles_to_matrix(a, b, c, alpha_r, beta_r, gamma_r)

Create a Lattice using unit cell lengths and angles (in radians).

a (float): a lattice parameter. b (float): b lattice parameter. c (float): c lattice parameter. alpha (float): alpha angle in radians. beta (float): beta angle in radians. gamma (float): gamma angle in radians.
lammps.core.transform_cartesian_vector_to_lammps_vector(points, rotation_matrix=((1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1)), origin=(0, 0, 0))

Module contents